Sunday, November 28, 2010

Decoding the "Saint"

Often we come across the word "saint" .... this post is just to understand what "saint" is all about from a christian perspective.

First point of view

When we call someone a saint... yes saint, but compared to whom? i mean its possible that a person who killed 10 persons calls another person who killed 1 person as a saint, this comparison is absurd, but thats wat we normally do, a bigger sinner calling a lesser sinner a saint :)

Second point of view

When God has made us and called us with a very great calling, God knows our state, yet in his eyes we are all children who would grow to the state he desires, ofcourse through a path of nudge,scrubbing,refining etc etc. One quality of God is "he calls things that are not as though they were" so he sees us as 100% full fruits and we are growing towards that ... so yes with eyes of faith since we are washed by the blood of the lamb we do well to declare to the devil and associates that we are no longer under sin but we are saints.

1 comment:

BINDU said...

Wonderful .. May God bless u abundantly

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